
a difficult game about climbing

Original price was: $79.00.Current price is: $16.00.


A Difficult Game About Climbing Extreme Climbing Adventure Game Template for Unity

a Difficult Game About Climbing is a Unity source code template for an intense rock-climbing game that challenges players to scale treacherous cliffs and extreme heights. Players will encounter steep cliffs, perilous gaps, and gravity-defying jumps as they navigate their way to the summit, testing their skill, endurance, and strategy. This game is designed for developers looking to create a gripping and challenging experience for adventure-seeking gamers on Android, iOS, and PC.

Game Demo:

Download Demo

Game Features:

  • User-Friendly Controls: Intuitive joystick controls for mobile and easy keyboard/mouse controls for PC.
  • Immersive Gameplay: Engaging and challenging mechanics that simulate the thrill of extreme rock climbing.
  • Stunning Graphics: Carefully stylized visuals for characters and environments to create a captivating experience.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Smooth performance and control adaptability for Android, iOS, and PC platforms.
  • Customizable Ads Integration: Configurable ad placements to boost revenue without disrupting gameplay.

How to Play:


  • Use on-screen joysticks to control each hand independently, enabling players to swing, jump, and latch onto obstacles.
  • Move joysticks in circles for faster water traversal.


  • Use W or Space to make upward leaps, and LMB/RMB for left and right-hand grabs.
  • Press Escape to pause/unpause the game.

“Difficult Game About Climbing” is perfect for developers aiming to create a high-intensity climbing game that keeps players on edge as they conquer thrilling heights and overcome challenges. Customize, reskin, and publish to bring this adventure to players ready to scale new heights!


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